Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kacey and Brad

Last week I had a great oppertunity to take some engagement pics of two great friends. I had a blast doing this, It was so much fun. The happy couple will wed Oct 31st 2009 and im proud to say that I get to be in the wedding! Just thought id share some of the pics that I got. enjoy! :)

Oh Sweet Summer Time! :)

Well I know it has been awhile since my last post and Paula and I were talking about that last night. So here ya go sista. :)

Ive had some great vacations with an unbelievable wedding in there as well.

My Best friend Patrick and his wife got married at the end of our beach week in July. It was a beautiful wedding. Congrats guys you are the best friends a girl could ask for with lots of love to go around for everyone. You both are my inspiration of what i want to be one day! I love you both very much! It was a great day spent with great friends and the best family ever!

My weight loss..... Well lets just say with vacations and working and no time for working out over the last month or so I have done great. Ive managed to keep what i have lost off and lose another 8.9lbs. I have set a new goal weight. Not to say that I will make it but id still like to tone up those areas that are hard to get off.

Oh and to top it off i met someone myself. :)

Here are some pics over the last month or so........ enjoy!